foundry days in moscow:

    day 5 OPERA night

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© 2000Foundry

Red square security.
"What did you do last night, then?"
"Went to the Foundry with Claire, Carol, Clara, Carla, Charlotte, Harlot and Chaplin."
"You missed the fireworks, then. Jay and Robyn and Denver came down, then Valerie, Hilarie and Leslie went off with Shirlie."
"The big tough one?"
"Da. Peezdyets."
"And what did you do?"
"I had a pointful conversation with Bus, Fuss, Cuss, Puss, Gus, Russ and Suss."
"What're you doing tonight?"
"Manning barricades."

Communist party rally... Communist rally: In... Communist Party rally:... Communist anti-governmentlampoons... The Theatre underground... Ploshchad Revolutsii undergroud... Dancing bears in... Gabriel and James... Leila's aria, accompanied... Leila and James,... Three men on... Paul and Hugh... Tam's rant bought... Sleazy red-light porno... Sleazy red-light porno... Daisy ketchups Julia... Sleazy porno ketchup... Daisy and Julia:... Queen Jeremy... Tam's anti-paparazzi coat... Burning the flag... Burning the flag... Burning the flag... Tam dancing in... Chris making some... Frank being got... FAKE REPORT (Moscow)... Gabriel and Tam:... More emotion from...